

This is the sixth episode of the DVL Project. Arash known as one of the members of the Assoto Sounds DJ Team nowadays concentrates mainly on being an event manager, booker and entrepreneur.

The next interview will be with DJ Mixwell. So stay tuned.

And as I said before. If you like the project then please don't hesitate to promote and support the project by posting the videos or a link on your page, facebook or blog. Thanks.

There were some remarks about crossing the line of view (Achsensprung in german) in the DVL Videos. I know that they are "wrong", but I am focussing on the message itself rather than the technicalities. And the technicalities were actually the main reason for this failure. There are mainly positive comments regarding this project, but I felt I have to comment on crossing the line of view.

The DVL project is a no-budget project and one-man show. I do own just one camera that is capable of recording video - the Nikon D5000. Therefore I need to borrow another camera. For the first six interviews I only had this Panasonic HD Handy Cam available. You might know that these cameras are for right-handed people only and therefore the display is on the left. To operate both cameras and to interview at the same time, I had to sit in between both cameras unfortunately.

For the next interviews I will have two DSLR cameras, so the problem with the displays and therefore the problem with the position of the camera will be solved.

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