This is a nice shortfilm by Alex Bohs. The concept is quite nice. It's a little long in certain areas and I'd have edited some scenes a little shorter, but it's still some good work. Comment or more Info? Click me.
A couple of more Snapshots from Bali. Welcomedrink Welcomefruit... a little old, but still very good. Bathroom... Welcomebath... Cock fighting chicken?
As some of you know: I am in Indonesia right now. Jakarta and Bali are the places I'll be staying at. Here a couple of the few shots up to now...
Welcome to Dubai...
Jakarta. I'm not very fond of the tilt and shift look that is quite overused right now, especially when it's software-made. But here it's alright I guess. Bali.
In Indonesia a bigger means healthier?!
PS.: All Iphone shots. The Nikon shots come later...