As you might know, I do use Nikon. Or rather the Fuji S5 Pro with Nikon lenses... D200 Body bla bla. The S5 pro is my workhorse, and a couple of months ago I purchased the Nikon D5000. Mainly to use it as an inexpensive video option (some examples are the DVL videos and the upcoming Leema videos).
Over the last few weeks, especially during my Barcelona trip, I really got to love this camera. It's small body makes it a very nice "take it everywhere" camera. Coupled with the Nikon 35mm 1.8 and a Blackrapid camerastrap I had it with me every time.
Besides it's size I do like the swivel screen. Not because I want to use it in different angles or anything, but more because I can hide the display. I realized that I really concentrate on shooting rather than checking the display all the time.
Never the less it is a consumer camera, it's small size has of course some downsides. Coming from a pro camera, I am used to have all the important functions on different buttons or wheels. But on the D5000 you have to do that within menus or via button combinations. On the other hand it really makes everything more simplistic in the way how you shoot. It's a little like shooting with the Minox...more or less.
It's image quality and especially the ISO quality is very impressive. That cam is definitely always my backup camera during a shot. I do believe that the lenses and the light are more important than the camera itself, although I would love to have a camera with a bigger sensor. Wont have the money for middle format, but 35mm FX will be mine soon hopefully....
Task number three of the BCN trip: Spark some new ideas. Well, I didn't quite accomplish the second task. At least not as far as I am concerned, that's why I guess I didn't spark some new ideas in particular. But I put some things on my to do list for this blog. As I said in the "What's in my bag" post I will start to write some reviews or insights on some equipment or gadgets. I just like electronic stuff and my equipment, so why not share some of my thoughts, love and grief about that stuff. And another thing is to write more. Getting a good shot everyday is harder than I thought that it would be, so I will try to enhance the posts by writing a little more. Let's see how that will work out.
Task number two of the BCN trip: Refuel creativity. First I need to recap the last few months. Did or do I feel that I got low on creativity? I guess you always need more "creativity", or you always think that there isn't enough. So yes, although I had ideas pouring in and I wasn't lazy (at least that's what I tell myself), I do believe that I need more of that "creativity". Barcelona was always stored under my "One of the most creative citys" file. But as I said the city was packed with tourist, and that might be the reason why I just was way too underwhelmed with the creative energy of the city. I didn't see much that really inspired me unfortunately. Please do not get me wrong: I really like this city, but maybe it was like everything in life: As soon as you look for it, you won't find or see it.
Here's just a quick view (or reminder if you will) of the last three Dream Vision Life Episodes. Please post or link the videos, if you like, love or even feel inspired by them. Enjoy...
So task number one of the BCN trip: Get some vacation. Well, some people asked me if it was even worth to do a short vacation for only four days. I wont argue with the fact that a five week trip to Indonesia is certainly more relaxing and money-wise the better choice. But getting out of the apartement, seeing some different things, getting around different speaking (and thinking) people even when it's just four days will help you to unplug and help you to get your mind of of things or troubles. Hell, even getting on a cheap airplane will get your thoughts away from all the things at home. So long story short: I did get some good short vacation and forgot about the daily business.
Allright, first and foremost I must say that Barcelona is a great city. It was the second time, I visited this nice city in Spain. Overall I always had a very good memory and opinion about the spanish people. And this time we definitely met a bunch of nice people, but we also met a lot of rude people. BUT I believe this was due to the fact that it was the high season for tourist and therefore the city was more than crowded. Moreover it was very hot, so I'd excuse the rudeness, I guess.
Nevertheless, I can recommend Barcelona to everyone. It doesn't matter if you want to go sight seeing, go to the beach or if you just want to shop. It has everything, but beware of the pick-pocket thieves! We didn't get robbed, but we saw one.
Last week I did a short trip to Barcelona. Besides the vacation I had a couple of things (or priorities) in mind. First of course was to get a little vacation and forget the usual surroundings, that day by day business so to speak. Second I wanted to refuel creativity. And third to spark some new ideas, although this certainly goes hand in hand with the second part.
So over the next few days, I'm going to write a little bit about Barcelona and my insights on those three little quests.
I did a project for a new internet company last week. In addition to editing the two films I also did the second camera. This is the other D.O.P. by the way who is checking some of the shots.
We did shoot on two Canon 5D Mark IIs. The image quality is incredible. I hope Nikon will soon release something that can capture 1080p video files, but I guess I wont have enough money to get a complete rig. That's probably something a lot of people forget: It's not only the camera, but you'll need to buy a lot more accessories in order to work properly.
My Mom and I on Kodak Color Film. I really need to buy a scanner, but on the other hand it would be pretty expensive in the long run to only shoot 35mm film. 35mm film looks awesome though.
I was cleaning my backpack, and truth to be told I'm kinda short on shots right now since I was working on the DVL Project quite a lot.Therefore I thought of a little what's in my bag post. (Be warned: Nerd post)
Swiss army knife, compass and a flashlight aren't tools I use very much, but they do come in quite handy. The flashlight is actually quite bright and can be used for some lensflares if you want to.
That yellow thing is my USB-Stick of choice. An ATV 4GB USB-Stick. Get one of those. That you can wash it, freeze it or jump on it isn't the best part. What makes it (at least for me) indispensable is it's speed. For working with big videofiles or Raw files this one kills all other USB-Drives in my oppinion.
When shooting I mainly work with Nikon and my Fuji S5 Pro, but since I am lazy when it gets to carrying that camera around, I do prefer to pack the Canon G9 or the Minox 35 ML. Both are great cameras.
A Molskine calender, a pencil, my mobile phone, an Ipod touch and the little Jimmy wallet with my keys are the items I do carry in my pocket. I'm actually not so fond of having an Iphone. I do prefer in having a tool for every task and not one gadget for everything.
I am quite a gadget freak, maybe I should start writing some reviews or something like that. Post a comment if you'd like to see what's in my camerabag.
This is the third episode of the DVL Project. This time I interviewed Leema Tegen aka Miss Leema. Leema is a DJ based in Hamburg // Germany. She isn't only known for the parties, but also as the DJ for some german acts like "Das Bo" or "Monrose" and her sidekick appearance in the Oliver Pocher Show on TV.
The guys from Assoto Sounds (Their interviews will be on episode 05 and 06) introduced me to her during a photo session, and since then we started and finished several projects.
The next interview will be with Volkan Baydar. It will be online in two to three weeks. So stay tuned.
And as I said before. If you like the project then please don't hesitate to promote and support the project by posting the videos or a link on your page, facebook or blog. Thanks.
P.S.: You know the drill. I want the video to be on top of the page as long as possible, therefore the next shot will be posted on Thursday.
This ain't my brother, but my brother recently graduated from highschool. They had their prom at a location at Hamburg's beach. Took this picture of one of his friends with the Nikon D5000, testing some High ISO.
Sorry, I'm filming this Saturday (although Germany is playing by the way). And because of all the preparations for this job I actually forgot to post a shot for today. A new shot is coming tomorrow.