Almost 3000 Visits in a year. For most blogs that probably is a small number, but I am definitely glad for all the visits. Thanks to everyone, keep visiting and tell your friends ;-)
Another polaroid with my SX-70 and still with the expired filmpack. I used a flash triggered by hand, therefore it exposed better than the one from yesterday.
I've got no idea if it is actually my SX-70 camera or the film. I know that the filmpacks I'm using right now are expired and are leaking, but they should at least expose right, I believe. Fortunately the impossible project finally sells new film packs for the SX-70. I'm gonna buy one of the new packs soon, hopefully they work out better.
Three years ago I shot a fashion collection made by Sidoni Steuber. We had a couple of different set ups and locations, but I liked this set the most. So I edited them again.
Back then I just had this one hot light and no flashes. Used duck tape to mount a umbrella to it. My camera was the Nikon d70s. I shouldn't have sold it, it was a pretty nice camera.
Two years ago I shot Black Buddafly in an old telefon museum. Marvin assisted me at the shooting. Two of the shots with Black Buddafly are on my page in the Fashion section.
I actually feel like that kid right about now...bored. But just a little and just photographic wise. I have been working quite a lot (editing) the last weeks and wasn't been able to shoot. In addition to that I'm kind of rebuilding spaces at home, therefore my "studiospace" is kinda messed up. But as soon as everything is done, I'll have a bigger working place. And then I'll hopefully shoot again a little more.
I'm starting building up an arsenal of stupid and/or ridiculous masks and accessories. Found this one in Ikea. I do also need to find me those glasses with the nose and the mustache attached to it.
That's my aunt, the older sister of my mother. Hope to see her soon again. This is Indonesia too by the way. Why don't they make those photos with round edges anymore?
My granddad was in the Indonesian army, and I think he went to safari quite often since he had quite a lot of stuff from dead animals. I do not approve of hunting and killing animals like that, but I do remember this picture quite well. I have no idea why...
That's my Mom, probably using a q-tip. My Mom is great as well as my Dad. Probably gave them a hard time when I was younger. I guess we all have had trouble with our parents, now it's all good. Thanks for everything, and I wish I could make your life a little easier some day...
I made a little video, a behind the scenes video you can say, of the shot with my birthday cake. Need to do more BTS-Videos, but I guess I need an assistant for that...
Since yesterday was my birthday, I'll share some pics of my family and me. A little self-centered I know, but I loved my childhood. Guess everything is easier as a child.
This is my dad. He looks like Mr Miyagi nowadays. I wonder (or rather am affraid of the day) when I might start to loose some hair...
I belive that that picture was taken in Indonesia. Until I was 10 or 11 the whole family used to travel to Indonesia every summer, after that I guess life got a little harder and we weren't able to visit Indonesia anymore. At the age of 19 or 20 I was able to visit Indonesia again.
Made some shots for the guys at the restaurant Tati. Little Surya sneaked into the picture in this one. They both look quite serious in this shot, but the other shots were definitly more friendly (without Surya though). Check the restaurant out in the Bellealliancestrasse in Hamburg.I think the website is coming soon, but you can check out their Facebook-Page if you want.
I've been to the 30 Seconds to Mars concert in Hamburg this week. Always been a fan, and I guess Jared Leto is probably the only filmstar who is a successful rockstar as well. Or at least he ist the only one I can think of right now.
The concert was pretty good, despite the terrible sound. The vocals were a little too loud, so you could hear when he wasn't hitting the tones. Anyway it was a great concert never the less...
A shot like this probably doesn't quite belong in a beauty portfolio. Hair is messed up, lipstick is smudged. Never the less I added it to my Beauty section because I like the oddnes and esspecialy the good vibe to it.
And here is Lola in the field of flowers on my attic. This composite consists probably of more than 100 layers. I shot Lola first and then I shot the flowers. I only had about ten flowers, therefore I had to move the flowers with every shot and then compositing them all together in post.
I shot Lola the day after the shooting with Viktoria. I shot her on my attic and made a composite with her in a field of flowers. That shot is coming tomorrow.
I've been editing quite a lot the last few weeks, so I wasn't able to shoot as much as I wanted to. That's why I'll use this "opportunity" to post some of my earlier works that aren't my page anymore.
This is Alena, shot in the Theaterhaus in Hamburg. She's wearing the clothing designed and made by Britta Tamke.
You can view some of my work now at the Superbude Hotel in Hamburg. It's nothing fancy, no showroom or anything like that. As a matter of fact they are just hanging in the main hallway to the rooms. Yes, you got to start small. It's the first time they are hanging somewhere, but since that hotel is always completely booked I guess some might enjoy the pics.
Another shot from the shooting with Marietta. As I said in the post I wasn't very happy with the lighting. It was too flat, and it's very visible in this shot. But however I'm quite happy with the shots, since Marietta has some great expressions and was very fun to shoot.
Dina at Jungfernstieg in Hamburg. The Jungfernstieg looked so good during the last WM, and they tore it up for the new subway line. Looks like a mess, but I'm sure and hope it will look way better in a couple of years. How long does the construction of a subway line take anyway?