The unwanted visitor, my new friend, that pigeon that wont give up. This is the fourth time that it tries to use my balcony as a new home. But this time it goes for twins! I allready feel like a serial killer, having to get rid of those eggs all the time. That pigeon just wont learn!
Any ideas how to finally get rid of that pigeon or just to make the balcony more unappealing to the pigeon are welcomed. The balcony is clean and neat by the way, and the pigeon seems to like the fake grass. Or I should start putting trash on the balcony, maybe then the pigeon might stay away.
With only three weeks left I started preparing my equipment packing list. As guys always tend to take care of the gadgets first. It's like on moving day, where the stereo or / and the entertainment system has to be set up first.
Despite my fears of losing my working camera, I decided to take my Fuji S5 Pro in addition to the Canon G9. Although I'll only mount a 50mm f1.8 lens on it. For mails, blogging and feeding my internet addiction I got myself a very small Asus eee. It's definitly something different than my Macbook Pro, but for just 100 Euro (used) it's definitly unbeatable and unbelievable small. A couple of CF and SD Cards plus card reader, batteries and chargers, Ipod and speakers ... I guess I might be good to go. Or did I miss anything?
Just found this on Daydream Lily (very nice Blog by the Way. Check it out). I love that shirt and it might be my sentence of the month. But I guess "No-one actually reads my stupid blog" might be closer to reality... Comment or more Info? Click me.
Just joined the Behance Network. Going to post some more work on there soon. Ok, you'll find most of the work on my site anyway, but I just wanted you to know. Enjoy. Comment or more Info? Click me.
Preparations started, anticipation grows and less than a month to go. Indonesia - I'll be there soon. So I just bought this bag and I must admit Northface products make you feel like an adventurer climbing the Mount Everest, although I rather am the guy who takes the lift up the mountain. And as a matter of fact I'll be the guy at the foot of the mountain chilling on the beach. I really can't wait for the flight...
If these were 50 000 Euro each...but they are just about 3,50.- Euro each. Well I guess I rather start looking for Jacky Blueblood. Comment or more Info? Click me.
I'm glad kids still imagine pirates the same way as I saw them: heart and anchor tatoo plus a hook. Nice. Though the name Jacky seems a little weird, the 10 000 $$$ sound pretty tempting... Comment or more Info? Click me.
Two o'clock in the morning and I just updated the menu in the WORK//PHOTOGRAPHY section on my site. I'm going to post the updates this weekend. And since it's allready quite late, I am off to bed and apologize for the non-picture post. Good night...
Again a Youtube Video - It's Youtube week or maybe month at Ismono's Blog. I can't help it, I keep finding old stuff... Enjoy... Comment or more Info? Click me.
Don't be misled: I am actually working and I have some new work ready that I'll be posting online soon. But until then I just keep posting stuff that I find on the net. And since explosions and action seem to be "my thing" this month, here you have a pretty awesome new DCShoes movie. Enjoy...
Bad reception, interrupted or noisy calls, incoming calls are directly rerouted to my mailbox, although I have a good network connection on my phone. After three complaint mails and their commercial, which claims that they do not have robots working for them and all customers are supposed to be helped by friendly specialists, I received the same generic answer over and over again. Their answer: "Either your mobile sucks or the SIM Card is busted." I changed my phone three times and I received two new SIM cards, so I guess my head sends out radioactive waves which interfere all my calls! And if I don't wear a aluminum foil hat the whole world will collapse...
And since I'm not the only one with those problems, I guess you might have figured out which company I am having problems with. Comment or more Info? Click me.